Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Three Pelicans

I started these three pelicans several years ago and let them sit in a drawer for a long while. Pulled the drawing out a couple of weeks ago to finish it up. I had hit an obstacle because I had not figured out what exactly the birds are sitting on. As it stands -- or as they sit -- the back two are supposed to be on a waterlogged log, and the closest one on a rock. I may add more contrast to the rock. What do you think?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Two to Go

These two pieces were donated this week to support a fundraiser for the Alzheimer Foundation. One is a photograph of Coyote Brush (shot in my backyard) and the other is a study that I'm doing for a painting of three pelicans.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Up For Bid

Each year, I try to donate some art to our school's silent auction. This year I am donating this pelican done with pencil on black paper. It is a study for a painting that I plan on doing with three pelicans.